Medical Encyclopedia

Deficiency of vitamin – D causes Rickets
People who live in the highest places have excess amount of
An average adult person has 5 liters of Blood.
In human body, the average internal temperature is 37 °C
Vitamin A is necessary for eyes
During injury white blood cells fight against foreign
particles, like bacteria.
Veins always carry deoxygenated blood towards heart.
Iron is compulsory for the formation of hemoglobin.
For the vital activities of the body, Carbohydrates are
needed as a source of energy.
Cleaning of BLOOD is called Haemodialysis
Secretion of sweat and sebum is related to SKIN.
Antibiotics are used to treat the diseases caused by bacteria.
Protein and lipids are necessary for the composition of cell
Oxygen, Carbon , nitrogen,
hydrogen, these are four most abundant elements in living cells.
Glucose is an organic compound which is found in most of the cells.
Ribosome is known as Protein factory.
Cuscuta is known as a parasitic plant.
bony fish is a good source of Operculum.
The membrane in which heart is enclosed called Pericardium.
in the flower the male
reproductive part is known as Stamen .
70-90 % of human body consists
of water.
Antiperistalsis causes Vomiting.
Aurelia is the scientific name of jelly fish.
In a normal person the value of B.P is 120/80
Normal value of Cholesterol in 200mg/dl
Cholesterol is divided in to 4 groups: LDL, HDL, TG, Total Cholesterol.
HDL is known as good cholesterol.
LDL is known as bad cholesterol.
Arteries always carry oxygenated blood in the body.
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